Saturday, December 25, 2010

LIT 004 Prelim exam

Discuss how Modelling and Scaffolding affect in the child’s learning progress.

·         A child’s ability to learn needs an attention and patience. It is the most crucial stage in a human learning. One of the pedagogy that suits in child’s learning progress are the modelling and scaffolding. In scaffolding, you teach the child how to do it and let them do the rest, while in modelling; you let them follow you for them to learn a specific lesson. Moreover, it greatly affects the child’s learning process when we use modelling and scaffolding because we are teaching them by means of doing it, thus, children are visual learners, they retain the process and the knowledge because they saw it and the transfer of knowledge is somewhat effective. Another thing, children love to do it when they first saw it, I mean, they are more earnest to take the step because they already saw it done by the teacher. On the other hand, talking about effectiveness, Modelling and Scaffolding is not effective if not established well or introduce well by the old one/s, teacher, or facilitator. There is a need to master scaffolding and modelling technique for us teachers to implement it in our lesson for the benefit of the learners. Also, we must consider their capacity in learning new things.

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