Saturday, December 25, 2010

LIT 004 Prelim exam

Create your own motivational strategy showing the use of Student-centered Theory to introduce a topic in Literature. Discuss how you will implement the strategy. make your own title and identify the materials to be used.

If I am in a situation that I need to introduce a topic in Literature, like presenting a short story, my strategy would then be a “Role Playing” limited to only 3-4 members per team. The name of the tactic will be “Play the Short Story”. It’s very common to have a role-play but the twist here is to limit the members so that an individual can portray 2 or more characters in one setting. They should first read and comprehend the story, analyse and identify the props needed. It is a NEED to have lots of props and costumes. This strategy will help the learners go out to their shell; they will develop many things, not to mention the creativity, understanding a short story, camaraderie with their team members, teamwork, acting skill and confidence. The criteria for judging are:

·         Stage presence                    20%
·         Creativity                             20%
·         Costumes and props            30%
·         Role-Portrayal                     30%

Lastly, everyone is expected to participate and cooperate.

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