Monday, February 14, 2011

Beauty and the Beast: A Reflection

Beauty and the Beast: Reflection

I.                    The Characters

a.      Belle – Belle is the typical girl with a dedication to take good care of her father. Belle’s character depicts a Filipina that settles to a good man instead of a bad boy but doesn’t illustrates the trait where the acceptance of the ugly beast. Commonly, people look first on the physique before the attitude. Belle is accepting the beast even though the beast is so harmful in words and actions for her to get her father and put it into safe.

b.      Gaston - A man with no ending in courting Belle. I love his determination to win the heart of Belle but he should know how to part and place himself in any situation. He should not be “too cool” that he can win the heart of Belle because he is bad.

c.       Beast – A judgmental assertiveness, harmful to its fellow. In looking to the other side of the coin, the beast is harmful because of what happened to him. He was cursed and die if all the flower petals will drop, thus he was conditioned to be detrimental. Every person even if how bad he/she was, there is something in him/her that is good in the other side as well.

II.                  The whole story

a.      Beauty and the beast is a good story that everyone can reflects to its characters, situations, the plot, the conflict and even how the stripy story ends. The story reminds us that we should not lose hope, thus, we should bear in mind that God’s plans are always in timing, in the right place at the right time. The story also tells us not to choose people because of their physical appearance, disability or liability, instead accept them and love them as equal as you love the one you already love. It depicts something about acceptance, fidelity, and the fruit of waiting.

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