Monday, February 13, 2012

10 Qualities of a Good Student

A good student? It's not just the student who tried his/her best to get a perfect score or the one who tried to get an A grade. It is the student who gets a B or C grade yet willing to learn, unlearn and relearn. A student that studies to make himself better, not boasting of his intellectual capacity but how he interacts with the people surrounds him/her. To better understand what a good student is, let's have the 10 qualities.

1. Self-discipline is the utmost important deed of a good student. Self Discipline means that they think about their words and actions and then make choices that are right for themselves and for others. Those with self discipline accept that things do not always go their way. In other words, this student will finish their work before they play.

2. Perseverance can be found in good students. They will work hard and not give up when it gets tough. They stick to something until it is finished. In other words, They don't give up, they keep trying.

3. Responsibility is always present in good students. They are dependable and make good choices. They take care of things that belong to them and show more responsibility when they take care of themselves and what they do.

4. Attitude. a good student possesses the ability and willingness to learn new subjects even the subjects are not interesting.

5. Perceptiveness this is how well a student can interpret and perceive meanings from a conversation greatly determines the quality of a good. A good student always perceives right meaning from conversations, but an average student often misunderstands the original thoughts of a speaker or writer and derives a wrong conclusion.

6. Fairness is another trait present in good students. They will take turns, share and listen to what other say. They take only their share and play by the rules.

7. Honesty is found in good students. They are truthful and sincere. They will do their own work and return borrowed items. They are the ones that will make sure that their score is correct even if it means that they get more wrong.

8. Integrity is found in good students. They make choices that help them be the best they can be. They do what they think is right and work at doing their best.

9. Teamwork should also be in a good student. To work good in a team and having good rapport to others.

10. Trustworthiness is a must. These students can be counted on to do the right thing even if an adult is not present. They return borrowed items and do what they say they'll do.

These qualities are not really true to all since we do have different perceptions in looking for a good student.

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