Saturday, December 25, 2010

LIT 004 Prelim exam

Create your own motivational strategy showing the use of Student-centered Theory to introduce a topic in Literature. Discuss how you will implement the strategy. make your own title and identify the materials to be used.

If I am in a situation that I need to introduce a topic in Literature, like presenting a short story, my strategy would then be a “Role Playing” limited to only 3-4 members per team. The name of the tactic will be “Play the Short Story”. It’s very common to have a role-play but the twist here is to limit the members so that an individual can portray 2 or more characters in one setting. They should first read and comprehend the story, analyse and identify the props needed. It is a NEED to have lots of props and costumes. This strategy will help the learners go out to their shell; they will develop many things, not to mention the creativity, understanding a short story, camaraderie with their team members, teamwork, acting skill and confidence. The criteria for judging are:

·         Stage presence                    20%
·         Creativity                             20%
·         Costumes and props            30%
·         Role-Portrayal                     30%

Lastly, everyone is expected to participate and cooperate.

LIT 004 Prelim exam

Construct a concept map showing the advantages and disadvantages the Transmission approach in Teaching Literature. Limit each to 4 entries.

LIT 004 Prelim exam

Discuss how Modelling and Scaffolding affect in the child’s learning progress.

·         A child’s ability to learn needs an attention and patience. It is the most crucial stage in a human learning. One of the pedagogy that suits in child’s learning progress are the modelling and scaffolding. In scaffolding, you teach the child how to do it and let them do the rest, while in modelling; you let them follow you for them to learn a specific lesson. Moreover, it greatly affects the child’s learning process when we use modelling and scaffolding because we are teaching them by means of doing it, thus, children are visual learners, they retain the process and the knowledge because they saw it and the transfer of knowledge is somewhat effective. Another thing, children love to do it when they first saw it, I mean, they are more earnest to take the step because they already saw it done by the teacher. On the other hand, talking about effectiveness, Modelling and Scaffolding is not effective if not established well or introduce well by the old one/s, teacher, or facilitator. There is a need to master scaffolding and modelling technique for us teachers to implement it in our lesson for the benefit of the learners. Also, we must consider their capacity in learning new things.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Happy Holidays Guys!

I hope you will have a Happy yuletide season...

Season's greetings from Ajong Ng

Monday, December 13, 2010

Structure of the English Language -MORPHOLOGY


• is the study of how words are constructed out of morphemes.
• It is the study of the rules governing the internal structure of words.
• It is the study of word formation.
• Smallest repeated meaningful units of a language.
Example: Buyers has 3 morphemes.
1st: {buy} – the action
2nd: {er} – the person who do the action
3rd: {s} – plural form

Take note:
• Morphemes are different from syllables.
Examples: Alligator, cats

Lexical and Grammatical Morphemes
Lexical Morphemes – have sense (meaning)
Nouns, verbs and adjectives
Grammatical Morphemes – have no sense (meaning), they only express some sort of relationship between lexical morphemes.
Conjunctions, prepositions, and articles

Free and Bound Morphemes
Free Morphemes – are those who can stand alone as words. They may
be lexical (e.g. {serve}, {press}) and grammatical (e.g.
{at}, {and})
Bound Morphemes – are those who cannot stand alone as words. They
may be lexical (e.g. {clude}) or grammatical (e.g. {s} in

Inflectional morphemes are bound morphemes that do not change the essential meaning of a word. (serves as grammatical function)
Example: Cats = {cat} and {s}

8 Inflectional Affixes
Inflectional Affixes Root Examples
{PLU} = plural                                noun                            boys
{POSS}=possessive                         noun                            boy’s
{COMP} =Comparative                  adjective                        older
{SUP} = Superlative                     adjective                         oldest
{PRES} = present                           verb                             walks
{PAST}=past                                  verb                            walked
{PAST PART}=past participle            verb                             driven
{PRES PART}=Present par.               verb                            driving

Derivational Morphemes are bound morphemes that changes the meaning of a word.
Example: Infirm = {in} and {firm}

Compound is a word made up of two or more roots.

4 types of compound
Closed-form compound- These are compound words that have no space or hyphen between the different
roots. (e.g. textbook)
• Open-form compound- These are compound words that have spaces between roots.(e.g. half brother)
• Hyphenated compound- These are compound words that has hyphen/s (-) in between the root.
(e.g. father-in-law)
• Head of the compound - These are compound words that is similar to its topic (the most general). Head also
serves as grammatical function of the compound. (e.g. spoon feed)

Allomorphs-Variation of Morpheme.
Allomorphs in phonetic forms for the same meaning.
“more than one” , in the suffix is {s} can be pronounced in 3 ways like:
/s/mats, /z/ zoos, /∂z/ churches

Morphophonemic Rules are rules that specify w/c allomorph of a morpheme will be used in a specific phonetic environment.
Morphological Typology is the study and classification of language based on how morphemes create words

How new words are formed?

• Mallrat
• Veggie burger
• Bunkhouse

Acronym Formation
• NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
• CSDL – Center for Student Development and Leadership

Foreign Word Borrowing
• Fiesta- Spanish
• Recipe – French
• Tea – Chinese
• Yogurt – Turkish
• Zebra – African Languages
• Solo - Italian

• stat from statistics
• Exam from examination
• Dorm from Dormitory
• Gym from gymnasium

• sitcom from situation comedy
• Brunch from breakfast and lunch
• E-mail from electronic mail

• cyber- to cyberspace
• Plane to airplane
• Dis- to disadvantage

• television and televise
• Donate from donation
• Enthuse from enthusiasm

Using People’s Names
• Narcissism from Narcius
• Saxophone from Adolph Joseph Sax
• Hamburger from Hamburg

Trade name
• Google
• Facebook

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lev Vygotsky’s Principle of Social Constructivism: Learning and Development is a Social, Collaborative Activity

Lev Vygotsly is the major proponent of Socio-Cultural Theory that emphasizes learning will be acquired through collaborative learning and by the aid of the others (society). Social Learning plays a vital role in this conjecture. In my own discernment, the goal of learning can be acquired most effectively with the others help. As a cliché, two heads are better than one, it empathizes that learning outcomes are more productive and dynamic if collaborative learning exist. :)

My Philosophy as an Educator

“My Philosophy as an Educator”

When I was still in my grade school years, I was once asked what will be my ambition in life, I answered “to be a teacher someday”. In my senior year in high school, I was muddled with my thoughts of what will be my course, then I came to realized that to be a teacher was once my dream and now, I want to pursue it not just my career soon but my inclination in life. I have several philosophies as an educator.

One of my insights as an educator is that when there are no teachers, there are no politicians, doctor, dentists, nurses, police, engineers, managers, accountants and other career that is important in our society. We educators are the molders of the people, we are the model of everyone, and we are in a noble profession. I believe in this, it is because we made them all, they started as a students waited to be imparted with knowledge and trained, according to ReynozaDacutanan,“education is life’s greatest equalizer”  thus, we are the ground force of the generation. We teachers make the most to let the students go out of the shell and as what a renowned salon’s tag line, “we bring out the best in you”-the learners in particular.

“If education is cheap then crack ignorance”is my other insight. If there is no education, societies are ill-informed and illiterate.  Yes, I am aware that education is not a high-salary profession. Literally, nobody will be rich in this career, but the knowledge, treasures and the feeling of contentment that we impart knowledge and changes lives is enough for me to concede my purpose in life.