Saturday, February 26, 2011

Semi-Final Exam "dili tanto lisod =)

Sadness in a crowd of happy people
1.      I have a friend who is happy and gay. She is blooming and always laughs. She’s fun to be with, and seems no inner problem encountered. She always talks positively in life and you can get lessons from her. She is an optimistic type of person that you love to be with. Every day, I met her as pleasing as if no problems at all. Pressure can’t puzzle her and drive her into the limbo world, but sometimes she gets mad when our classmates teases her or annoys her.

In one circumstance in our lives as students, during the discussion in one of our subjects, she shared her past experiences and her present situation in the class. As she utters the words by and by, I feel the ill feeling of her, she had teary eyes and as she continued her “speech”, she then smiled and thanked her friends who made her happy every day.

As I heard her inner self complaining, suffering from interior distress, my heart was melted and I directly asked myself “Do I deserve to be one of her friends? That even a single hint, I was not able to notice.” As days goes by, we had a conversation, a little chit chat that I intentionally lead it to her inner turmoil. I gave her advices and little sharing of my past experiences that may help alleviate her anguishes and burden weighs lighter and lighter. Now, I understand her more. As a result, I always crack jokes and make her laugh, in that nous; I help her carrying her baggage daintier and lighter.

In some ways, I help her spending trifling expenses and her lunch if I have extra money. I always remind her not to commit suicide just because of problems, thus, we should collate them and convert them into strengths because God has plans for her.

2.      Richard Cory and Miniver Cheevy are melancholic, they both wanted to have something in life that they perceive to be impossible. They pokerfaced themselves to any means just to hide their wants or the mayhem they’ve encountered. One thing I like to both of them is they don’t use people just to cover themselves from something, they use things like Richard Cory, he uses expensive clothes and Miniver Cheevy, he uses alcohol. They both have frustrations in life that the only thing to do is to focus on one thing and give it out.

Richard Cory is different from Miniver Cheevy in some aspects. Richard is a type of person that hides himself to his glitches through clothes, smiley face, calm and friendly wellbeing. He committed a finishes his life through a gun.

Miniver Cheevy in the other hand is a brand of person that hides his insecurities and discouragements because of his misfit dreams through drinking alcohol and such. He assumes and thinks that what happens to him is his fate and he can never change it.

3.     a) Who is Miniver Cheevy?
b) What happened to Miniver Cheevy? Why?
c) How does Miniver Cheevy deals his frustrations and discouragements?
d) if you were Miniver Cheevy, will you do the same? How will deal with it?

Monday, February 14, 2011

"It Couldn't Be Done"

Beauty and the Beast: A Reflection

Beauty and the Beast: Reflection

I.                    The Characters

a.      Belle – Belle is the typical girl with a dedication to take good care of her father. Belle’s character depicts a Filipina that settles to a good man instead of a bad boy but doesn’t illustrates the trait where the acceptance of the ugly beast. Commonly, people look first on the physique before the attitude. Belle is accepting the beast even though the beast is so harmful in words and actions for her to get her father and put it into safe.

b.      Gaston - A man with no ending in courting Belle. I love his determination to win the heart of Belle but he should know how to part and place himself in any situation. He should not be “too cool” that he can win the heart of Belle because he is bad.

c.       Beast – A judgmental assertiveness, harmful to its fellow. In looking to the other side of the coin, the beast is harmful because of what happened to him. He was cursed and die if all the flower petals will drop, thus he was conditioned to be detrimental. Every person even if how bad he/she was, there is something in him/her that is good in the other side as well.

II.                  The whole story

a.      Beauty and the beast is a good story that everyone can reflects to its characters, situations, the plot, the conflict and even how the stripy story ends. The story reminds us that we should not lose hope, thus, we should bear in mind that God’s plans are always in timing, in the right place at the right time. The story also tells us not to choose people because of their physical appearance, disability or liability, instead accept them and love them as equal as you love the one you already love. It depicts something about acceptance, fidelity, and the fruit of waiting.