Friday, March 25, 2011

" Call unto me and I will Answer thee"

               In this chaotic life living in a perfectly imperfect world, obstacles, challenges, trials and such come in our way through our journey of life. These things are phenomenal and I believe that they are blessings in disguise. It abetted us to be more mature in life, molding our beings to be fitted in the real world. Human, as a person has its own abilities on how to face these challenges. However, there comes a time that we can never handle it. It’s not that we are unable to handle it, but pressure and other factors build up and we merely say, I can’t do it anymore.
               Every person has its own capacities and capabilities that impede us in finding a solution. That’s the time we look above and pray. Prayer is the communication from us to Jesus. Jesus is so powerful that even before you pray, He already knows what’s on your mind. Powerful enough to do impossible things possible if you have a strong faith in Him. Even if how busy you are in your daily routines and works, He is always there watching you and waiting for you to talk to talk to Him.
               In every complicated situation, we never hesitated to call Him directly. But how about in times of success and victories? Don’t be timid in praying for Him and ask, I’m pretty sure, He will answer you.

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